زيادة فهم الطلاب لمحتوى قراءة النصوص العربية باستخدام تقنية القراءة والتركيب المتكاملة التعاونية (CIRC)


  • Tatimmatul Waqfiya Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Hafiz Ahmed Saeed Rana ‎Kanzul Madaris




CIRC Technique‎, Arabic Text, Reading Skills


The background to this research is the low ability of students in reading and understanding Arabic texts. Because the learning process is boring. One effort to overcome this is by using the CIRC technique. This research aims to find out: 1) What is the essence of the CIRC technique 2) How to apply the technique (CIRC) in learning Arabic. 3) What are the factors that influence the success of the CIRC technique in increasing students' understanding of the content of Arabic text reading. In this research the author uses a qualitative descriptive approach to the type of library research (library reasech). The results of this research are: 1) the CIRC technique is a technique for learning reading skills combined with writing skills. 2) in applying the CIRC technique the teacher forms groups consisting of 4-6 students, each student is asked to tell a story about what they understand in relation to the lesson theme and is recorded in summary form, then one member reads the summary aloud, and the students make mufrodat notes. 3) Several factors that influence the success of this technique in increasing students' understanding of reading content are that this technique challenges students to work together, learn independently (without teacher assistance), and be active, so that understanding and meaningful learning experiences are formed.


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How to Cite

Waqfiya, T. ., & Rana, H. A. S. (2023). زيادة فهم الطلاب لمحتوى قراءة النصوص العربية باستخدام تقنية القراءة والتركيب المتكاملة التعاونية (CIRC). Ma’arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies, 2(2), 73–78. https://doi.org/10.69966/mjemias.v2i2.38


