Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted for possible publication in Ma'arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies are peer reviewed following the procedure outlined below.

Initially, the Editor-in-Chief first evaluate all manuscripts submitted. At this stage, insufficiently original, serious scientific flaws, poor grammar or English language, outside the aims and scope of the journal will get rejected. Those manuscripts which meet the minimum criteria are forwarded on to at least 2 experts for review.

Ma'arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies follows a double blind reviewing, where the reviewers remains anonymous throughout the process. The reviewers are selected on the basis of their area of expertise. The reviewer is asked to evaluate the manuscript, its originality, significance, ethical guidelines or protocols, methodology, presentation of results, appropriate references and report. The time required for the review process is depends upon the availability and the response of the reviewer. Revised manuscripts might be returned to the initial referees who may then request another revision of a manuscript, if needed.

Submission evaluation criteria:

  • Value or usefulness to educational practices;
  • Adequacy of design/accuracy of analysis;
  • Presentation of ideas;
  • Inclusion of appropriate implications for practice and/or policy;
  • Important and timely;
  • Consistency with existing literature;
  • Overall clarity of ideas and expression;
  • References to relevant existing work;
  • Grammatical construction; writing style; use of non-sexist language.

Final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the referees. The decision of Editor-in-Chief of Ma'arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies is final to accept or reject the article.