استراتيجيات تعليم اللغة العربية لتحسين مهارة القراءة في العصر الرقمي


  • Maulidya Isnaini Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Mohammad Umar University of Brussels


Learning Strategies, Reading ‎Skills ‎, Arabic Language, Digital ‎Age


The background to this research is that many students find it difficult to absorb and understand the reading they have read in Arabic learning. So good and appropriate learning strategies are needed in order to produce maximum learning in improving the quality of Arabic language learning, one of which is reading skills. The purpose of this research is to find out what learning strategies are based on reading skills in Arabic and what effective reading strategies are. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach, type of library research. The results of this research show that there are several learning strategies based on reading skills in Arabic, namely: 1) Qira'ah muwajahah to study texts with charts or schemes. 2) Mudzakarat al-Talamidz to increase student activity and courage. 3) Qira'ah jahriyyah to help students present understanding. 4) Akhziyat al-Nash to encourage students to actively learn. 5) Talkhis Jama'i talks to help students interact with each other in expressing their ideas. 6) Tartib al-Nash to determine students' reading abilities. There are several effective reading strategies, namely: 1) Empty Outline to train students' ability to express the content of what they read into tabular form. 2) Analysis to train students to understand the content of reading by finding the main idea and supporting ideas. 3) Snow Bolling to get lots of input from friends. 4) Broken Square/Text to reassemble readings that have previously been cut into pieces. 5) Index Card Match to teach words or sentences with a partner.


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How to Cite

Isnaini, M., & Umar , M. (2023). استراتيجيات تعليم اللغة العربية لتحسين مهارة القراءة في العصر الرقمي. Ma’arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies, 2(2), 45–54. Retrieved from https://jurnal.maarifnumalang.id/index.php/mjemias/article/view/37


