Model Pengelolaan dan Problematika di Lembaga Madrasah Ma’arif NU


  • Muhammad Amin Fathih UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Schools in LP Ma'arif NU, Management Model, Problematics


This article aims to describe the management model and various problems that occur in LP Ma'arif NU through literature studies. The results of this literature review show that the management model in LP Ma'arif NU has similarities with the educational model in Islamic boarding schools. One of them is shown by LP Ma'arif's high priority on the understanding of Islam adopted from the Islamic boarding school education system. The curriculum uses the national curriculum with added NU or Aswaja subjects. As for the source of funding, it comes from government funds (BOS), sympathizers and from the Central of LP Ma'arif NU. Meanwhile, the problem of management insecurity in some of LP Ma'arif NU is caused by the fact that the managers of LP Ma'arif are more focused on politics, which causes their focus to blur on the task of developing educational institutions in NU. Then there is unclear coordination between the Central of LP Ma'arif and the foundations or institutions under it. Other problems are also caused by the following factors: a) Weak management of education, b) Human resources are minimal and unprofessional, c) Curriculum changes are carried out too quickly by the government, d) Inadequate facilities and infrastructure, e) Insufficient ability to build Networking or network development between institutions, especially in LP Ma'arif.


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How to Cite

Fathih, M. A., & Amrullah, A. M. K. . (2022). Model Pengelolaan dan Problematika di Lembaga Madrasah Ma’arif NU. Ma’arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies, 1(2), 9–15. Retrieved from


